7120 Old Seward Hwy, Suite 101, Anchorage AK 99518

Chenille White L191 Countertop, Part of: Natural Stone Limestone Natural Stone Slab

Chenille White L191

CALL FOR PRICING: 907-644-4433

Manufacturer: Daltile


Formed by ancient marine waters, limestone adds a soft, natural  look to any design. Elevate countertops with a beautiful, natural limestone countertop in neutral colors that stand the test of time.

Additional Colors

Available Shapes and Sizes

: L191
: 2CM, 3CM
: Variable
: Polished
: H: High
: China

Usage Chart
Grout Joint Recommendation
Exterior Usage
Country of Manufacturer
Country of Origin

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Formed by ancient marine waters, limestone adds a soft, natural  look to any design. Elevate countertops with a beautiful, natural limestone countertop in neutral colors that stand the test of time.

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